Monday, July 1, 2013

"Interlude Galapagos"

Galapagos + petite histoire "Robinson Crusoe"

“At the beginning of the 18th century, Guayaquil suffered the attack of Roger Woods who later fled to the Galapagos, in command of two ships: The “Duke” and the “Duchess.”
Upon his arrival to the islands, he discovered a strange individual with a wild appearance, dressed in goat skin. This strange individual turned out to be Alexander Selkirk, a Scot who had been abandoned there four years before.
Selkirk told his fascinated listeners the story of his solitary life. He had been abandoned with his harquebus (a heavy 15th century gun), a little bit of gunpowder, some bullets, a knife, and a Bible.
Selkirk returned to England in the year 1711 and set to work writing his memoirs, which were not particularly well received. At the same time, Daniel Defoe’s book Robinson Crusoe was . This book was incredibly successful and greatly enriched its author. 
Début du XVIII ème siècle, Roger Woods attaqua Guayaquil pour s'enfuir ensuite aux commandes de ses deux vaisseaux: "Le Duc" et "La Duchesse" jusqu'aux Galápagos.
À son arrivée dans les îles, il découvrit  un étrange individu à l'apparence sauvage vêtu de peaux de chèvres. Il se trouve que ce drôle de gaillard était Alexander Selkirk, un écossais abandonné là quatre ans auparavant avec une Bible, un couteau, une arquebuse et un peu de poudre. Selkirk conta l histoire de sa fascinante vie de solitaire. Il  retourna en Angleterre en 1711 où il écrivit ses mémoires qui ne rencontrèrent qu'un piètre succès. Mais peu de temps après, Daniel Defoe publia son livre sur Robinson fit fortune!!!

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